The new format of publications from Stampin’ Up! changed last year, with the addition of 2 shorter Sale-A-Bration periods each year. These 2 FREE product earning periods are January & February and July & August.
Sale-A-Bration or SAB is a fantastic Promotion from SU that rewards you for a £45 product spend from January 4th February 28th. That £45 spend earns you one product credit in the SAB Brochure and a £90 spend earns you a double credit. Some freebies incur a single credit and some are a double credit.
There are some fabulous FREE Products:

Extra Celebrations During Sale-A-Bration
I always love the SAB offer it was the time of year I chose to join Stampin’ Up! and this years’ is a very special one for me in particular as it signifies my 10th year as a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator.
I’ve decided to mark the occaision with an exclusive offer from me:
I am offering a refund of the £4.95 shipping for online orders. The way this works is that you place your order of over £45 before shipping, pay the shipping and I will then refund your shipping either directly into your bank or via PayPal, it’s your choice.
With some of the FREE products coordinating with items in the Mini Catalogue in the way only Stampin’ Up! can then there are many must-haves in this little freebie brochure.
Please use the current January Host Code by clicking below to go directly to my Online Shop and earn yourself FREE Sale-A-Bration goodies and a refund for your postage FROM ME!

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